Thursday 4 January 2007

Job cuts at Jobster: 60 positions

Posted from: John Cook's Venture Blog

Here's the long-awaited news from Jobster: The Seattle-based online recruiting and job-search service says it will eliminate 60 positions, or 41 percent of its staff, leaving the company with 88 employees after the cuts.

The P-I's Andrea James has details in this story.

Jobster CEO Jason Goldberg discusses the news in this post on the Jobster blog, explaining that primarily in-person sales and support positions will be eliminated. He writes:

"2006 was a year of growth and learning for Jobster. On the positive side, we signed up more than 500 customers for our paid recruiting services, grew our revenues by 482%, and grew traffic to the site by more than 260% after re-launching it as a web 2.0 careers site in July. We also raised $18M in additional financing in 2006. On the other hand, we experienced slower than anticipated adoption amongst certain types of customers and were less than pleased with the cost to serve via in-person support."

Today's news caps an unusually public saga over Jobster's future, starting with a Dec. 26 post by John Cook, your regular host on this blog.

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