Friday 12 January 2007

Bill Gates: Worried about the Wii?

From: Gearlog

In George Orwell's novel "1984," the main character was charged with rewriting history. Somewhere in Redmond, there must be something similar to Orwell's Ministry of Information at the Microsoft and Nintendo campuses. At least that's the feeling I get when I hear that Bill Gates is saying that Nintendo is the real competition right now, in the never-ending
videogame console wars.

GameDaily reports that
Gates believes that the Nintendo Wii presents "impressive strength," and that the House of Mario, not Sony, is actually Microsoft's toughest competition in the video game space. Microsoft, Gates claims, will see cost-reduction faster than Sony. But apparently Mr. Gates fails to realize that the PlayStation 2 is still the best selling video game system of all time, and Sony isn't exactly throwing in the towel just yet. It did release a little console called the PS3 last year. And no
one is accidentally throwing those controllers at TV screens.

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